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Friday, September 7, 2007

Now, That's Customer Feedback

To the long list of reasons why e-discovery companies should be good to their customers, we can now add one more: because if you don't, they might blog about you and say nasty things. That's what has happened to Metalincs on this blog which carries the intriguing description of "legal software whistle-blower" in its web page address.

I have no idea who this person is, but their comments about
Clearwell's e-discovery solution are well-informed and accurate.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... I navigated to that link Mr. Hilaly provided (re the Metalincs blog post) and, as I read the post, a couple of things struck me. It bashes Metalincs, highly praises Clearwell, and is written by one A. Hogan. It is interesting that Aaref Hilaly, CEO of Clearwell, says that he "ha[s] no idea who this person is, but their comments about Clearwell's e-discovery solution are well-informed and accurate (and he provides a convenient link). Even more interesting that A. Hogan and A. Hilaly have the same initials. It is one thing to seek business for one's own company by praising its services and reputation, and quite another to put up a fake post, trying (very weakly) to disguise it, that attempts to poach customers from a competitor dishonestly.

Aaref Hilaly said...

Dear Anonymous,

If you are going to make false accusations, you should at least have the guts to put your name to them. I can assure you that anything I have to say about Metalincs will be right here on my blog.


P.S. Is everyone with the initials A.H. a suspect in your investigation? :-)